Take the Norton Peskett Satisfaction Survey

Firstly, the logo at the top left of this page characterizes Norton Peskett Solicitors as “Dishonest and Incompetent”. That is my opinion: Please do not allow it to influence the way in which you complete the survey. I am seeking the truth, and I particularly do not want to bias the results. Please give your honest opinions in answering the survey. Whether your opinion agrees or disagrees with mine is of no relevance.

You can take the survey either anonymously, or you can provide your real world identity. The results will be tabulated separately for anonymous respondents and for confirmed former customers of Norton Peskett. The purpose of the confirmed customer approach is to add reliability to the survey by preventing Norton Peskett or their agents from “stuffing the ballot box” to inflate their ratings, and likewise to prevent enemies of Norton Peskett from doing the same to make Norton Peskett look worse than they really are.

Following this link will take you to a different server where you can take the survey: CLICK HERE FOR SURVEY

If you have a smartphone
QR Code
and would like to access the survey from your phone you can scan this QR code:



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You can help protect future victims from suffering at the hands of this predatory law firm. Please tell as many people as possible using social media.





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